Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kelly's 1st hair cut!

I noticed that Kelly's hair was getting long and straggly and realized I have never cut it so I decided it was time. I was always to cheap to pay to get my hair cut growing up (All of you have probably cut my hair a time or two!) and well the same goes for Kelly I guess! So I decided I would give it a try! I really need to know how to cut a boys hair because Kai is way over due! I cut a couple inches off the top once but now it is getting long!


Jensen Family said...

i give you an a+! good job car she looks so cute! did you layer it?! haha that takes some talent! :)

Brent, Laci, Kaylie and Madison said...

Oh my gosh I can't believe you did that. It seriously looks like a professional did it. I love looks adorable on her!!!

The Sitton Family said...

Wow her hair really was long!! You did such a good job!!! She looks so cute! Her eyes are perfect almonds, she is such a pretty little girl.

Anonymous said...

Much better:) I had a funny feeling that your blog was going to say you were pregnant. I'm glad it was just a hair cut. I've been going to cut Mayzie's hair into a little bob kinda like that. Kelly looks really cute.

P.S. I'll cut Kai's hair if you dare to let me. I think I could do it ok.

D'Laina said...

Very cute good job! Did she hold still? Ethan has to get his hair cute I swear every 6 weeks and it's a nightmare everytime! Oh well!