So everyone was making fun of me last night because I was going to blog about this but hey
that's what blogs are for!!! Yesterday Crystal and Jen came into town from Arizona so last night a bunch of us girls all got together and went to Los
Hermanos. We have all been friends since
Jr. high and we have been going to this same
restaurant for years. It was so fun to see everyone and how we are all changing and how we are all at different stages in our life. It is always fun to get together with these girls because we all feel right at home with each other. Jen moved away in 9
Th grade and if I remember right that was the only time I cried as a teenager! Jen, Crystal and I were best friends so I love when they come into town! We all love to go down memory lane. Then today we all went to the park so our kids could play. It was so fun to see all these little kids running around. It was a ton of fun and I hope to be seeing all you ladies a little more often!!!

Jessica, Crystal (Sienna was so sick Crystal had to hold her the whole time at the park!)
Channing, Me, Jenn, and
Jessica (Brooklyn,
Channing, Sky, Jen (
Brylee) Crystal (Sienna) Me (Kelly)
D'Laina (Ethan) Cassie with my Kai (Hallie and

Aiden), Crystal, Sam, Natalie, Jen, Me,
D'Laina, Amanda, Ashley, Alexa

Crystal and I have had our
up's and
down's but I don't think I will find another friend who understands me more

Me, Crystal, Natalie, Ashley, Amanda,
D'Laina, Jen, and Alexa