Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Circus

Who would have thought this is where I would be at this age in my life, at the circus with Cassie and Hannah and our 9 kids! Yes NINE!!! People always ask us if were in a race.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I have survived the first two weeks....

Steeler is now 2 weeks old. It has gone by so fast yet it's been so slow! The first week and a half were pretty rough at night but now that I finally made it to the store to buy the gas drops he has been sleeping much better at night. Burping him is the biggest chore, he will take 10 minutes to eat but then 45 to get a burp out. I'll try to just lay him down without the burp and he will be quite just long enough for me to fall asleep then he will start screaming. So if having a new baby in the house isn't hard enough Kelly has had croup and a fever for the last week. She keeps asking me what time she will be done coughing. Oh and don't worry if that's not enough Kai has an ear infection and is handling not being the baby very well. Just another day in the life of a crazy mom I guess.....
At Kai's 2 year check up
37 inches long, 98%
28lbs, 49%

Kelly just lays around all day and wants to sleep.

Steeler's 2 week check up
21.5 inches long, 81%
9.04lbs, 61%

Monday, January 4, 2010

What we have been doing the last 2 weeks.....

The last two weeks have been a couple of busy ones! Here are some pictures...

I was busy getting really fat! ( And don't try the you were pregnant thing, I took 7th grade health and they didn't mention anything about the baby growing in your arms or thighs!)
We got lots of snow and the kids love it!

Mayzie had a birthday so we went to Kangaroo Zoo.

Tika also had a birthday he is the big 25!
We met Santa and Mrs Clause. Kelly was being such a bum when I took her then when Tika got there she just loved them! She thinks that Santa is Santa and his wife's name is Clause. I keep trying to explain it but I gave up.

Tika's family from Hawaii stayed with us for a couple of weeks over Christmas so needless to say they got WAY to many presents.
I got Kelly a picture book from when we went to Disneyland.
Steeler was born on 12/30/2009. He weighed 8lbs 13oz, 20.5 inches long.

With every kid so far my mom picks up the baby and walks directly over to the curtain to use it as a back drop for her picture.... oh Juli.

Thats the best family picture we could get!

Kai had a birthday! He is now my 2 year old!