Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kai is on the move!!!

This shows the story of Kai's life, I was trying to make him crawl to the book so I kicked it farther away then Kelly noticed and gave the book to him then Hallie took the book back away so he would crawl to it then Mayzie ran over and took the book away to read it herself! So he has been crawling for a little while but he is really flying now! He is not quite up in crawl position but he will get up on his hands and knees every once in a while. Today he went from crawling to sitting and all you moms out there know that is a really exciting accomplishment! It is crazy he is getting so big so fast!


Wesley Family said...

That is so cool! I love how all the girls are at different stages, some are helpful and others are unhelpful. That clip was pretty funny! What cute kids.

Josh and Jackie said...

That is the cutest thing ever. He is really fast my friends baby didn't start crawling till 9 months.

Kelly said...

hahaha... that is funny!! What a tease you are!! But i know that that is the only way to really get them crawling...

Meagan + Michael said...

He is getting so big! He is adorable, I cant believe how much he has changed these past few months.

Jensen Family said...

yay how fun! he is getting sooo big!

The Sitton Family said...

Why haven't you noticed me yet? I got a blogspot like you said.... And now you won't give me the attention I deserve!

Oh ya Kai is super cute

Ashley Russell said...

Hey there!
This is fun to see what you have been up to! Keep me updated!

Ashley said...

Since Kai is now on the move are you too busy to update???

The Sitton Family said...

I am so excited too! Ps I have been waiting for you to do the memory thing on my page...