Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So much to talk about.

Well I don't even know where to start! So lets just make it a picture post instead of words! This is what we have been doing lately!

First is Disneyland. Me, Kelly and Kai went to Disneyland for 3 days with D'Laina and her family. The Kids had so much fun! Kelly loves seeing the Princesses but her favorite was the Finding Nemo Ride which of coarse was the 2 longest lines in the park! They also loved riding the horses on the carousel.

The splash park was a nice way to cool down on such a hot day!

They were long exhausting days!

The First time we have been able to get all 7 grand kids in one picture! As you can see it's a challenge!

Kelly loves riding Hallie's bike whenever she can. Kelly just had a Birthday, we celebrated by going to Chuck E Cheese's
We got all 7 grand kids together again and went to the Scera Pool. It was alot of fun and Kelly loves spending time with her Grandma and Grandpa and Tialei.

I don't think Grandma could have got her anything else! This girl was spoiled this year!!!
She loved the crown and jewels from her Aunt Carrie and Russ.

The 4Th of July we went to the Provo Parade in the morning and then home for a BBQ with the family, and a few fireworks. Kelly's Mickey Mouse cake I made her....

Tika had a weird Schedule this week and it turned out he got 5 days off in a row so we weren't sure what to do so we went on a Camping adventure. What an adventure it is with 2 young kids! They did great, they loved the canoe and Kai loved the dirt! The hardest part was sleeping Kai would not go to sleep because we were all in there with him but it turned out fine and we survived!
( I don't know who that fat lady is, she just wanted a picture with Tika :))

We cooked eggs on the fire they turned out pretty good.
This is our Campground all set up. I don't know how we ended up with so much random stuff we just took everything we found. (Not sure why we have 6 chairs set up it was just the 4 of us)
Tika is obsessed with Fishing lately. If he has a spare moment that's what he is doing.
Kelly with her new fishing poll Tika got her for her birthday.

We got the Canoe all fixed and it worked great!
Mom and Wendy came up and joined us for a few hours on Saturday. The kids loved the rides on the four wheelers.

We were ready to go and with no sleep that night and no nap this is what happened about the same time I got it all the way buckled.